中國石化新聞網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)Barents Observer網(wǎng)站8月11日莫斯科報道,在埃克森美孚公司和挪威北大西洋鉆井公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的面前,俄羅斯國有石油巨頭俄羅斯石油公司(俄油)總裁伊戈爾?謝欽在電視電話會議上向俄羅斯總統(tǒng)普京匯報了喀拉海University-1井鉆井作業(yè)的啟動情況。University-1井是俄油在喀拉海的一口具有歷史意義的勘探井。
據(jù)此前報道,鉆井作業(yè)的鉆機(jī)由挪威Seadrill公司控制的在挪威上市的北大西洋鉆井公司提供。這部此前從未在北極海域作業(yè)過的West Alpha號鉆機(jī)由俄油租借兩年。
李峻 編譯
Kara Sea oil resources comparable to Saudi Arabia
Barents Observer
August 11, 2014
In the presence of leaders of ExxonMobil and the Norwegian North-Atlantic Drilling, Sechin reported to the president about the launch of the drilling operation at the University-1, the company’s historical well in the Kara Sea.
According to Sechin, the oil resources of the Kara Sea exceed the ones of the Bay of Mexico, Brasilian shelf,Alaska and northern Canada and can be compared with the resources of Saudi Arabia.
We are ready to explore the offshore extension of the western Siberian oil resources and intend to open a new Kara oil province, Sechin told the president in a televised call.
The University-1 well is located 74 degrees north, about 250 km north of the Russian mainland. ”Nobody else are working at these altitudes”, Sechin said. ”One year ago, nobody though this operation would be possible. But today we are starting drilling”, he underlined.
As previously reported, the operation is conducted with the West Alpha, a rig owned by North-Atlantic Drilling, the Norway-listed company controlled by Seadrill. The rig, which never before has operated in Arctic waters, has been hired by Rosneft for a two-year period.
The University-1 operation is part of the comprehensive Arctic cooperation between Rosneft and ExxonMobil.
本文標(biāo)簽: 石油